About Us

We are an agency committed to strengthening our communities and families
with our founding core values. Although much has evolved since our beginning
in 1969, what has never changed is our belief that every child deserves
the right to a bright and successful future.

Our Vision Statement

“4C is the leading family resource agency in Florida.

Our Mission Statement

4C’s mission is to be a community leader in providing high-quality services
that improve the lives of children and families.”

Our Values

Uncompromising Integrity | Excellent Fiscal Responsibility
Mutual Respect for Each Other | Exceptional Customer Service
Results-Based Management | Continuous Quality Improvement

Our History

4C, a private non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, was established in 1969 as a committee of the Community Services Council by the Orange County Government and United Way. In 1973, we were chartered as a separate organization. Our diligent commitment in providing high-quality services was recognized by the Council on Accreditation (COA) from 2003 to 2019. The international, independent and nonprofit COA partners with human service organizations to improve service delivery outcomes by developing, applying and promoting accreditation standards. 4C operates under a Board of Directors made up of community volunteers who establish corporate policy and provide direction for the agency. The board employs a President and a staff consisting of Administration (including the offices of the President, Accounting and Development). For information regarding our financial statements, click here.